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Vous pouvez utilisez la fenêtre de discussion ci-dessous pour vous exprimer de manière anonyme via notre chatbot.

Pour une assistance directe, vous pouvez également nous contacter au +237 242 232 170 disponible par Appel, Sms et WhatsApp.

Nos spécialistes pourront vous orienter vers des spécialistes des Violences Basées sur le Genre. 


Obtenez des réponses aux questions les plus courantes

A propos des Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG)

1. Qu'entend-t-on par Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG)

On désigne par l’expression Violences Basées sur le Genre, en abrégé “VBG”, tout acte commis contre la volonté d’une personne et fondé sur les roles différents que la société attribue aux hommes et aux femmes et sur des relations de pouvoirs inégales.

2. Quels sont les types de Violences Basées sur le Genre ?

Il existe de nombreux types de Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG).

Ces types peuvent se présenter sous la forme de:

  • Violence physique,
  • Violence psychologique,
  • Violence économique.

Ceux-ci incluent mais ne sont pas limités à ce qui est défini ci-dessus. La définition inclut également :

  • Le mariage international abusif ,
  • La violence domestique,
  • La maltraitance des personnes âgées,
  • Le mariage forcé,
  • L’homicide,
  • La violence sexuelle.

A propos de AlertGBV

1. Qu'est-ce que "AlertGBV" ?

« AlertGBV » est une plateforme d’expression, d’assistance et de sensibilisation sur les Violences Basées sur le Genre, en abrégé VBG.


AlertGBV est composée de:

  • Un site informatif: Il permet de trouver les témoignages, les contacts d’assistance et les informations sur les Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG).


  • Un chatbot interactif: Il permet aux survivant(e)s de violences et de dépression de se confier en tout anonymat et d’être mis(es) en relation avec un de nos partenaires d’assistance.

2. Comment marche AlertGBV ?

AlertGBV peut être utilisé de différentes manières en fonction de votre besoin.

Veuillez vous référer aux cas ci-après pour savoir comment AlertGBV peut vous être utile:

  • Vous êtes un(e) survivant(e) de violence ou de dépression: Cliquez sur l’onglet « Trouver de l’aide » dans la barre de menu et cliquez sur le bouton « Start » pour nous dire ce que vous vivez et si vous désirez recevoir de l’aide. Il est important de noter que Alert GBV n’offre pas d’aide financière.

Vous pouvez aussi parcourir l’onglet « S’informer » pour parcourir les différentes ressources disponibles (événements, statistiques, guide et annuaire de contacts).


  • Vous êtes un(e) proche d’un(e) survivant(e) de Violences Basées sur le Genre: Parcourez l’onglet « S’informer » pour découvrir les différentes informations à savoir dans le cadre d’une assistance  aux victimes de VBG.


  • Vous êtes un particulier intéressé par l’assistance des survivants de Violences Basées sur le Genre ou de dépression: Contactez-nous pour faire un don ou souscrivez à un de nos packs d’assistance dédiés aux victimes de violences ou de dépression.


  • Vous êtes une association, vous apportez du soutien aux survivant(e)s de Violences Basées sur le Genre: Enregistrez-vous pour être listé dans notre annuaire de contacts d’assistance aux survivant(e)s de VBG. Remplissez le formulaire à l’adresse suivante: .


  • Vous êtes une entreprise ou une institution: Vous souhaitez utiliser notre solution au sein de votre structure, contactez-nous pour amples informations.

3. Comment puis-je recevoir de l'aide d'AlertGBV ?

Nous vous assistons à partir de votre témoignage recueilli par notre messagerie automatique encore appelée ‘chatbot’.

En fonction des informations reçues et de vos besoins, nous aurons besoin de votre accord afin d’être assisté(e). Vous devrez donc nous laisser vos coordonnées afin que votre cas soit traité et qu’un de nos partenaires puisse vous suivre.

L’assistance d’AlertGBV est apportée uniquement après qu’un de nos partenaires ait vérifié votre récit sur le terrain.

4. Quelle type d'assistance puis-je recevoir d'AlertGBV ?

En fonction de votre situation, AlertGBV fait intervenir son réseau de partenaires d’assistance aux survivant(s) de Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) ou de dépression.

L’assistance accordée peut varier, allant de consultations avec des psychologues à des formations pour l’autonomisation économique (particulièrement des femmes), en passant par des prises en charges médicales ou des procédures juridiques.


N.B: AlertGBV n’offre pas d’assistance financière. 


Association / ONG / Communauté / fondation
Horizon FemmesBafoussamCamerounTelephone - Antenne Ouest (Bafoussam) Tél. (+237) 233 44 59 96
Site Web:
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes)BafoussamCamerounTelephone - Bureau de Bafoussam: (+237) 699 44 37 14
Association - CALVIF ( Centre d'Aide et de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes)CotonouBeninEmail:
Téléphone: (+229) 67288444
Site web:
CAGEAD (Center for Advocacy, Gender Equality, and Action for Development)BamendaCamerounTéléphone: +237 677658324
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes)BertouaCamerounTéléphone - Bureau de Bertoua: (+237) 699 67 37 69
WFAC (Women for a Change Cameroon)Bertoua - YaoundéCamerounTéléphone: + 237 696009179 / +237 677150924
Horizon FemmesDoualaCamerounTelephone Antenne Littoral (Douala): (+237) 33 37 30 44
Site Web:
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes)DoualaCamerounTelephone - Bureau de Douala: (+237) 699 98 11 79
Hope for a Better Tomorrow (HOBET)Limbe, MbengwiCamerounTéléphone: (+237) 651747384 / 658652680
Site Web:
ALVF-EN (Association de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes - Extrême-Nord)MarouaCamerounTéléphone: + 237 699850717
Site web:
ALDEPA (Action Locale pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré)MarouaCamerounSite web:
Leap Girl AfricaYaoundéCamerounTéléphone: + 237 651296458
Site web:
Association - Sourire de FemmesYaoundéCamerounTéléphone: + 237 6 97916895
ACAFEJ (Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes)YaoundéCamerounTelephone - Bureau de Yaoundé: (+237) 242 84 12 93/ 661 53 50 52
Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad (AFJT)TchadEmail:
Téléphone: 253 30 74 / Portable : 66 77 50 35
Association Des Psychologues TchadiensTchadFacebook:
Téléphone: (+235) 99 61 73 71
Association - La Concorde CamerounYaoundéCamerounFacebook:
Coordinateur de l'association - Monsieur : Zogo Awoua Abraham
Téléphone - Coordinateur : (+237) 655091686
WSSAG (Women Seeking Sanctuary and Advocacy Group)UKENGLANDTéléphone: +44 02921 320 635 Site web: Site web:
Fundong District HospitalLocation: Before Fundong marketCameroonContact: 677 150 023/670 136 867
Abuh Integrated Health CenterLocation: FundongCameroonContact: 670 513 633
International Medical CorpsLocation: Konene Health CenterCameroonContacts:680 173 013/676 501 039
Presbyterian Health Center MeliLocation: MeliCameroonContact: 670 811 436
St Therese Catholic Health Center NgwahLocation: NgwahCameroonContact: 670 520 571
Mbingo Baptist HospitalLocation: BumCameroonContact : 676 572 811 / 680 214 353
St. Martin De Pores Catholic General Hospital NjinikomLocation: 3 corners AtuilahCameroonContact: 677 331 574
Catholic Relief ServicesLocation: St Martin Porres Catholic HospitalCameroonContact: 674 108 874
BOYO DIVISION : Psycho-social Support
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: FundongCameroonContact: 677 770 205
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: NjinikomCameroonContact: 670293101
Plan International CameroonLocation: NjinikomCameroonContact: 678766589
Mbingo Baptist HospitalLocation: BELO - MbingoCameroonContact: 677 084 333
United Youths OrganizationLocation: BeloCameroonContact.672 445 258
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: BeloCameroonContact: 669 611 335
Plan International CameroonLocation: BeloCameroonContact: 651 409 292
Women in Action against Gender Based Violence
(WAG Cameroon)
Location: BeloCameroonContact: 650 804 037
Green Partners AssociationLocation: BeloCameroonContacts: 673 575 868
Divisional Delegation of Social AffairsLocation: Fundong councilCameroonContact: 683 736 019
Divisional Delegation of Women's EmpowermentLocation: Near the Post Office, FundongCameroonContact: 675 265 252
Women's Empowerment Center (WEC)Location: Below SDO's OfficeCameroonContact: 675 006 765
Community Initiative for Sustainable Development
Safe Space
Location: BeloCameroonContact: 674 106 042
Community Initiative for Sustainable Development
Safe Space
Location: NjinikomCameroonContact: 677225 952
Mbengwi District HospitalLocation: Mile 18CameroonContact: 677 464 652/676 342 832
International Medical CorpsLocation: Bome Health CenterCameroonContact: 674 163 735/677 792 958
International Medical CorpsLocation: Njah-Etuh Health CenterCameroonContacts: 675 652 450/678 606 663
International Medical CorpsLocation: Konda Health CenterCameroonContact: 675 508 488
International Medical CorpsLocation: Oshie Health CenterCameroonContacts: 674 453 412/670 012 990
St. John of God Hospital BatiboBatibo TownCameroonContact: 665 367 284
Batibo Health District/COHESODECBatibo TownCameroonContact: 676 273 535/669 048 744
St. Joseph Catholic Hospital WidikumWidikum TownCameroonContact: 662 748 490
MOMO DIVISION : Psycho-social Support
Divisional Delegation of Women Empowerment
and the Family
Location: GRA MbengwiCameroonContact : 677 030 099
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Opposite the councilCameroonContact: 674 601 355/675 420 403/680 114 133
Plan International CameroonLocation: MbengwiCameroonContact: 678 001 802
Green Partners AssociationLocation: MbengwiCameroonContact: 673 575 868
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: KuCameroonContact: 681 967 488
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: BomeCameroonContact: 681 967 489
United Youth OrganizationLocation: Batibo TownCameroonContact: 677 963 094
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Batibo TownCameroonContact : 675 244 904
Green Partners AssociationLocation: BatiboCameroonContact: 679 646 289 /673 575 868
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: WidikumCameroonContact: 675 793 826
Divisional Delegation of Social AffairsLocation: Mile 18 MbengwiCameroonContact: 677 019 899
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Mile 18 Mbengwi, Opposite the councilCameroonContact: 676 075 167
Divisional Delegation of Women Empowerment
and the Family
Location: GRA (WEFC Mbengwi)CameroonContact: 677 030 099
Women's Empowerment Center (WEC)Location: Below SDO's OfficeCameroonContact: 677 560 093 / 670 517 480
Plan InternationalLocation: Guzang and Batibo CenterCameroonContact 677 897 750
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Mile 18 Mbengwi, Opposite the councilCameroonContact: 676 075 167
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: BatiboCameroonContact: 673 459 820
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: WidikumCameroonContact: 677 853 255
Bafut District HospitalLocation: NsaniCameroonContact: 675 079 280
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)Location: Bafut District HospitalCameroonContact:674 108 874
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: Bali District HospitalCameroonContact: 677 433 979/650 431 042/669 749 688
Mantum Integrated Health CentreLocation: Bali townCameroonContact: 677 387 535
St. Elizabeth Catholic Health CentreLocation: BaliCameroonContact: 675 918 077
St. John of God HospitalLocation: Ntaghang – BamendaCameroon
International Red Cross CommitteeLocation: Mendankwe Integrated Health CenterCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Regional Delegation of Public Health Head of Reproductive HealthLocation Hospital RoundaboutCameroonContact: 674 228 555/675 268 077
Listening and Orientation Unit (LOU) of
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of the
World Switzerland)
Location: Bamenda Regional HospitalCameroonContact: 681 198 034 /657 100 466/657 100 465
Azire Integrated Health CenterLocation: CCC Mankon EntranceCameroonContact: 679 610 895
Mbachongwa Integrated Health CentreLocation. ChombaCameroonContact : 677 852 106
Ntambag Integrated Health CentreLocation. Behind AyabaCameroonContact: 675 311 249
St. Maria Soledad Catholic HospitalLocation: Alakuma, Opposite Sacred Heart CollegeCameroonContact: 672 081 512
Presbyterian Health Centre MankonLocation: GBHS Junction NtamulungCameroonContact: 677 911 318
Mount Zion ClinicLocation. Small Mankon – Vicky StreetCameroonContact: 677 770 177
Mezam PolyclinicLocation: Azire After PC ChurchCameroonContact: 677 319 288
The people's ClinicLocation. Opposite GBPS NgomghamCameroonContact: 677 021 013
Family Foundation Clinic and MaternityLocation: Atuakom JunctionCameroonContact: 677 783 174
Alpha Royal Clinic /International Rescue
Location: Ntarinkon - Ntumazah HillCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Cameroon National Association for Family
Welfare (CAMNAFAW)
Location: Commercial Avenue (New Life
CameroonContact: 675 971 213
Inter Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon
Location: Brasseries Junction/Che StreetCameroonContact: 677 121 234/675 321 793
Cameroon Medical Women Association
Location: Food Market (Former British College)CameroonContact: 676 513 435
Catholic Relief ServicesLocation Cathedral Big MankonCameroonContact 674 108 874
Effective Basic Services (eBASE)Location: Evidence BuildingCameroonContacts:677 319 374/677 233 454
PMI Nkwen (Nkwen District HospitalLocation: Mile 2, Opposite Amour MezamCameroonContact: 677 440 403
Nkwen Integrated Health CentreLocation: Mile 4CameroonContact: 655 978 959
Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services
Location: Finance JunctionCameroonContact: 675 727 494
Ringland Medical CenterLocation: Foncha Street opposite St John Catholic
CameroonContact 677 228 030
Nkwen Baptist HospitalLocation: Finance JunctionCameroonContact: 677 690 600
St. Peter's ClinicLocation: Mile 6 – NkwenCameroonContact: 679 204 710
Santa District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: SantaCameroonContact: 670 439 141/650 431 042/669 749 688
Tubah District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: Bambui - Adjacent St Thomas Aquinas
CameroonContact: 675 099 455
Cameroon Medical Women AssociationLocation: UBa JunctionCameroonContact: 676 513 435
Sabga Baptist Health CentreLocation: SabgaCameroonContact: 675 829 017
Tubah Health District (COHESODEC)Location: Adjacent St Thomas Aquinas SeminaryCameroonContact: 670 435 308
Bamenda I
UNFPALocation: UN Compound GRA BamendaCameroonContact: 679 336 328 / 696 916 053
Bamenda II
Regional Hospital BamendaLocation : Round AboutCameroonContact : 698 227 308

International Rescue Committee
Location: NdungCameroonContact: 679 666 521
Location: NjintehCameroonContact: 679 666 521
Location: MbankongCameroonContact: 679 666 521
Regional Delegation of Social Affairs (RDSA)Location: Up Station, BamendaCameroonContact: 6773949842
UNHCRLocation: Opposite Court of 1st InstanceCameroonContact: 675 552 923/698 393 225
Plan International CameroonLocation: Up station. Behind hill top hotelCameroonContact: 676 715 749/675 445 858
Community Impact for AfricaLocation: Up Station BamendaCameroonContact: 674 081 210
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: GRA Up StationCameroonContact.650 431 042/669 749 688
Northwest Association of Women with
Location. Bamenda ICameroonContact. 675 322 337
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Mendankwe Health CentreCameroonContact: 676 836 642
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of the
World Switzerland) - MDM-CH
Location: Up station - Glass building adjacent
road to GRA
CameroonContacts : 665 87 27 55 / 657 10 04 65
Regional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family (DERPROFF)
Location: Below DO’s Office Old Town.CameroonContact: 675 393 402
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs (DDSA)Location: Veterinary Junction, BamendaCameroonContact: 677 768 682
Divisional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family
Location: Meta Quarter (Immeuble Njumbe)CameroonContact: 673 437 361
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: Ntarinkon, Alpha Royal ClinicCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)Location: Big MankonCameroonContact: 674 108 874
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location : Ntarinkon - Opposite Ni John entranceCameroonContact: 679 600 356/676 306 683
Justice and Peace Commission (JPC)Location: Cathedral, Big MankonCameroonContact: 677 677 407
LUKMEFLocation: Fon's Street MankonCameroonContact: 669 676 291
Cameroon Medical Women Association
Location: Food Market (Former British College)CameroonContact: 676 513 435
Interfaith Vision Foundation Cameroon
Location: Che StreetCameroonContact: 675 321 793/670 229 963
Women in Action against Gender Based
Violence (WAG Cameroon)
Location: Beside Former Bamenda City CouncilCameroonContact: 650 804 056/677 778 305
Health Development and Consultancy
Services (HEDECS)
Location: Che Street Bamenda IICameroonContact: 675 392 568
Positive Vision Cameroon (PVC)Location: Hospital Round -AboutCameroonContact: 677 125 838
GRACE VISIONLocation: Veterinary JunctionCameroonContact: 675 458 415
Community Health and Social Development
for Cameroon (COHESODEC)
Location: City Chemist Round AboutCameroonContact 674 826 719 / 678 277 359.
Community Human Rights and Advocacy
Center (CHRAC)
Location: Small Mankon opposite Sammy
Driving School
CameroonContact: 677 084 119 /677 669 528
Sustainable Initiatives for Women and Girls
Location: New LayoutCameroonContact: 677 224 492/677 976 649
Luc Memorial Rehabilitation FoundationLocation. Mile 90CameroonContact: 675 001 203
Nkumu Fed Fed (NFF)Location: Old Treasury StreetCameroonContact.677 375 598/678 615 573
Cameroon Women in Action Society (CAWAS)Location: Below Maternity Gate Regional
Hospital Bamenda
CameroonContact : 677 881 133/677 182 468
Center for Human Rights and Democracy in
Africa (CHRDA)
Location: Meta Quarters (Opposite Holiday
CameroonContact: 675 831 140/671 457 625
Teen Alive OrganizationLocation: Metta QuartersCameroonContact.677 479 498
Green Partners AssociationLocation: SONAC StreetCameroonContact: 6796 462 89/673 575 868
Organization for Women's Empowerment and
Development (OWED)
Location: Che Street NtarinkonCameroonContact: 675 809 516
Community Resource Centre for the Disabled
and Disadvantaged (C.R.C.D.D.)
Location: Commercial Avenue, Opposite Nextel
CameroonContact: 677 945 955
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH)
Location: City Chemist-Bayelle Cooperative
Credit Union Building
CameroonContact: 674 30 02 29
Coordinating Unit of Associations of Persons
with Disabilities (CUAPWD)
Location: Azire - Fish Pond HillCameroonContact: 675 612 344
Common Action for Gender Development
Location: T. JunctionCameroonContact: 233 362 196/675 469 966
Gender in Humanitarian Action Group (GIHA)Location: Savanah StreetCameroonContact: 677 831 004
Listening and Orientation UnitLocation: Bamenda Regional HospitalCameroonContacts: 665 87 27 69 / 665 87 27 58 / 657 10
04 66
Global Action for Community Development
Location: City Chemist BuildingCameroonContact:654 072 934
Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM)Location: Savanah StreetCameroonContact: 673 540 517
Global Development Vision (GLODEV)Location: BAFCULL Building Small MankonCameroonContact: 673 926 672
FOMCAM Community and Mental Health
Location: Mulang MankonCameroonContact: 669 351 212 / 677 023 410
Effective Basic Services (eBASE Africa)Location: City Chemist-Evidence BuildingCameroonContact: 677 319 374
CBC Health ServicesLocation: Finance Junction NkwenCameroonContact: 675 990 934
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: S-bend Foncha Junction Adjacent Blue
Pearl Hotel
CameroonContact: 673 014 843/678 615 573
Psyche Emergency Consulting (PEC)Location: Opposite Amour Mezam NkwenCameroonContact: 677 787 066
North West Association of Women with
Location: Bamenda IIICameroonContact: 675 102 989
Center for Advocacy in Gender Equality and
Action for Development (CAGEAD)
Location: Ghana Street – NkwenCameroonContact: 677 658 324/670 243 553
Integrated Development Foundation (IDF)Location: Opposite FONAB Mile 3 NkwenCameroonContact: 670 236 562
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF)Location: Mile 3 Nkwen, (Elecam Building, 3rd
CameroonContact: 670 343 354
Strategic Humanitarian Services Cameroon
Location: Mile 6 NkwenCameroonContact: 672 523 341/651 712 705
United Youths OrganizationLocation: Mile 2 NkwenCameroonContact: 679 684 520
Integrated Development Foundation (IDF)Location: FONAB Entrance NkwenCameroonContact: 677 755 975
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) / Tubah District
Location: Bambui - Adjacent St. Thomas Aquinas
CameroonContact: 670 293 873
Tubah District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: Bambui - Adjacent St. Thomas Aquinas
CameroonContact 650 431 042/669 749 688
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Bali CentreCameroonContact: 670 949 535
Bali District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: Bali CentreCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD) / Bafut District Hospital
Location: ManjiCameroonContact: 670 511 011
Plan International CameroonLocation: BafutCameroonContact: 666 428 490
Sub-Divisional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF)
Location: Hill Top or New Layout SantaCameroonContact: 679 713 651
Santa District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: Santa TownCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Santa District HospitalLocation: SantaCameroonContact: 674 888 678
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: MenkaCameroonContact: 670 439 141
LUKMEFLocation: SantaCameroonContact: 672 008 950
Sub-Divisional Delegation of Social AffairsLocation: Opposite the grand standCameroonContact: 675 199 236/679 713 651
Community Association of Vulnerable Persons
Location: Savanna Bridge SantaCameroonContact: 675 102 899/678 928 630
Legal Department Mezam State Council's
Location: Up Station – BamendaCameroonContact: 675 628 865
Regional Delegation of Social AffairsLocation: Up Station – BamendaCameroonContact: 677 665 651
UNHCR / Libra Law FirmLocation. MITTACCUL Building, Sonac Street
CameroonContact: 677 949 325
Beacon of Light Association (BeLA)Location: Mile 2 NkwenCameroonContact: 677 939 177
Bamenda IICameroon
National Commission for Human Rights and
Freedoms (NCHRF)
Location: After Franco Alliance – BamendaCameroonContact: 678 169 094
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs (DDSA)Location: Veterinary Junction, BamendaCameroonContact: 677 768 682
Central Police OfficeLocation: Old TownCameroonContact : 677 054 347 / 653 497 499
International Federation of Women lawyers
(FIDA- Bamenda)
Location: NWCA Building Commercial AvenueCameroonContact: 677 658 759
Finders Group Initiative (FGI)Location: Food MarketCameroonContact: 677 068 856 / 670 564 729 / 675 082 826
Organization for Women's Empowerment and
Development (OWED)
Location: Che Street NtarinkonCameroonContact: 677 232 516
Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon
Location: City Chemist Pharmacy, Express Union
Building, 2nd floor
CameroonContact 675 807 330
Loyalty Law FirmLocation: Sonac Street – B'da IICameroonContact: 675 160 353
Community Health and Social Development for
Cameroon (COHESODEC)
Location: City Chemist Round AboutCameroonContact: 675 405 478 / 695 110 313
CHRACLocation Small MankonCameroonContact: 670 400 556
Listening and Orientation UnitLocation: Bamenda Regional HospitalCameroonContacts: 665 87 27 57 / 674 078 5 43
Global Action for Community Development
Location: City Chemist Evidence BuildingCameroonContact 654 072 934
Bamenda IIICameroon
Research and Advocacy for Gender Justice RAGJLocation: Bamenda IIICameroonContact: 675 267 972
Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in
Africa (CHRDA)
Location: Mile 4 - Health CentreCameroonContact: 677 08 44 10
Bamenda I
UNHCRLocation: Up Station Opposite the court of 1st
CameroonContact: 675 55 29 23
Médecins du Monde Suisse (Doctors of the World
Switzerland) - MDM-CH
Location: Up station - Glass building adjacent
road to GRA
CameroonContacts: 665872755 / 657 100 465
Bamenda IICameroon
Regional Delegation of Women's Empowerment
and the Family (DERPROFF), NWR
Location: Old Town, Entrance to D.O B’daIICameroonContact: 653 735 287/675 807 330
NKUMU Fed FedLocation: 3rd Floor Bamenda Police Credit Union –
Old Treasury Street
CameroonContact: 677 375 598
GRACE VISIONLocation: Veterinary JunctionCameroonContact: 675 458 415
Women's Empowerment and the Family Center
(WEFC) Bamenda
Location: Old Town - Opposite DO’s OfficeCameroonContact: 675 807330
C o m m u n i t y I n i t i a t i v e f o r S u s t a i n a b l e
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Ntarinkon Ni John EntranceCameroonContact: 677 974 489
Community Health and Social Development for
Cameroon (COHESODEC)
Location: City Chemist Round AboutCameroonContact: 675 405 478/695 110 313
SIWOG (Sustainable Initiative For Women And
Location BamendaCameroonTel: 677 224 492
Luc Memorial Rehabilitation FoundationLocation: Mile 90CameroonTel: 675 001 203
Organization for Women's Empowerment and
Development (OWED)
Location: Che Street NtarinkonCameroonContact: 675 325 909
Association for the Empowerment of the Deaf
and Vulnerable Persons (AEDVP)
Location: Ntarikon, BamendaCameroonContact: 671 479 099
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH)
Location: City Chemist-Bayelle Cooperative
Credit Union Building/Bamenda
CameroonContact: 675 265 6 61/677 802 134
Sustainable Initiative For Women Organization
Location: Hospital Roundabout (Guzang
Cooperative Credit Union Building)
CameroonContact: 674 232 741
Cameroon Medical Women Association
Location. Food MarketCameroonContact.676 513 435
Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon
Location: City Chemist Pharmacy, Express Union
Building, 2nd floor
CameroonContact. 675 322 337
Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM)Location: Savanah StreetCameroonContact: 673 540 517/677 831 004
Bamenda IIICameroon
Center for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy
Location: Ghana Street - NkwenCameroonContact: 679 362 689
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF)Location: Mile 3 Nkwen, Bamenda (Elecam
Building, 3rd Floor)
CameroonContact: 670 343 354
Community Agriculture and Environmental
Protection Association (CAEPA)
Location Mile 5 Nkwen adjacent Theresa TowerCameroonContact: 670 485 022
Strategic Humanitarian Services (SHUMAS)Location: Mile 6 NkwenCameroonContacts: 676 440 219/677 755 630
Community Association of Vulnerable Persons
Location: Savanna Bridge SantaCameroonContact: 675 102 899/678 928 630
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: SantaCameroonContact: 650 431 042
Santa District Hospital/International Rescue
Location: Santa District HospitalCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Bamenda II
Divisional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family
Location: Meta Quarter (Immeubles Njumbe)CameroonContact: 673 437 362
Regional Delegation of Women's Empowerment
and the Family (DERPROFF), NWR
Location: Temporarily Located at WEC Old Town,
Bamenda II
CameroonContact: 675 393 402
C o m m u n i t y I n i t i a t i v e f o r S u s t a i n a b l e
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Ntarinkon Ni John EntranceCameroonContact: 677 974 489
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Adolescent Youth and Friendly Space Location:
Ntarinkon Ni John Entrance
CameroonContact: 675109
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Mile 3 S - Bend, Adjacent Blue Pearl
CameroonContact: 678 176 359
CBC Health Services (One -Stop –Shop
Location: Finance JunctionCameroonContact: 677 690 600
CBC Health Services – GBV One Stop CenterLocation: Finance JunctionCameroonContact: 675 396 705
International Rescue CommitteeLocation: Mendankwe Integrated Health CenterCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 688
Plan International Cameroon Plan
International Cameroon
Location: Behind Hill Top Hotel, Up StationCameroonContact: 676 715 749/675 445 858
Regional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family
Location: Old Town - Opposite DO’s OfficeCameroonContact: 675 393 402
Divisional Delegation of Women's
Empowerment and the Family
Location: Hospital Round About Atua- AzireCameroonContact: 673 437 361/ 675 807 330
Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs (DDSA)Location: Old Town - Desk in Central Police
CameroonContact: 677 054 347
Alpha Royal/International Rescue CommitteeLocation: NtarikonCameroonContact: 650 431 042/669 749 689
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location : Ntarinkon, Fru Ndi EntranceCameroonContact: 676 306 683
LUKMEFLocation: Fon's Street MankonCameroonContact: 669 676 291
Organization for Women's Empowerment and
Development (OWED)
Location: Che Street NtarinkonCameroonContact: 677 232 516
Bihndumlem Humanitarian Association of
Peace and Hope (BIHAPH)
Location: City Chemist - Bayelle Cooperative
Credit Union Building/Bamenda
CameroonContact: 680 99 06 47
Global Action for Community Development
Location: City Chemist Evidence BuildingCameroonContact: 654 072 934
BUI DIVISION : Health Care
Bingo Baptist HospitalLocation: Above SquaresCameroonContact: 677 866 343
St. Elizabeth Catholic HospitalLocation: ShishongCameroonContact: 673 501 004
Catholic Relief ServicesLocation: St. Elizabeth Catholic Hospital ShishongCameroonContact:674 108 875
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location: Mbve - NdzengwevCameroonContact: 677 334 482
Community Education for Life (CEF Life)Location: KumboCameroonContact. 675 803 132/678 625 194
Plan International CameroonLocation: KumboCameroonContact: 676 225 987
Banso Baptist Hospital (BBH)Location: Above SquaresCameroonContact: 677 866 343
Justice and Peace Commission KumboLocation. Bishop's House KumboCameroonContact: 675 411 550
Women in Action against Gender Based
Location: JakiriCameroonContact:675 127 491
Community Initiative for Sustainable
Development (COMINSUD)
Location. ElakCameroonContact: 670 550 468

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